Drake Bank Headshot Business Portraits

Man with navy suit and grey button up shirt


"Tell us about your better future; we'll help you get there." - Drake Bank
Drake Bank is an independent, local community bank located in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The bank’s mission is to build authentic relationships with clients to build a better future.

Scott Swenson, the Senior Vice President and Chief Banking Officer of Drake Bank, was introduced to Jeannine in 2019 at a Networking and LinkedIn Event with Right Now Enterprises‘ Owner, Sarah Kowal. Block Portrait Studio hosted the event with Sarah to talk about LinkedIn accounts and offered professional headshot consultation and updated pictures for the guests.

VP of Drake Bank in black suit and blue button up

Scott was impressed by the experience and introduced the Marketing Coordinator, Hailey, to us. She has been rebranding the company for the past three years and wanted to enhance the employee headshots. As a result, we created a modern look for their employees using a classic clean black background and soft professional lighting. Afterward, each employee selected their favorite headshot during the same-day proofing session.

Brand and Project Activation officer in a blue suit and white collared button up shirt
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